If heaven has a smell, what do you think it smells like? Maybe, heaven smells like roses and jasmine or freshly cleaned laundry. Or maybe, it smells like Terri Arthur’s candle shop. After all, it is called Fragrance of Heaven. Terri hand-pours her candles and uses a paraffin blend that allows a great scent throw and a good long burn. They smell incredible, but they can make you feel incredible, too. This is largely due to Terri’s faith and desire to share the love of God.
Tell me more about your faith and how that plays a role in your business.
“This business started out as my heart and my ministry. I always want the ability to have the Lord first and foremost in my work. People come into Fragrance of Heaven and tell me how peaceful it is, and that’s what I want – for people to feel the presence of God here.
Also, all of my candles and tarts have scripture on them. I take time to pray over every single candle. My prayer is: “Let the light chase away the darkness and the very fragrance and presence of Heaven fill each house.”

Why candles? Where did you get the idea to go into this industry?
“I was tired of candles that didn’t smell or didn’t burn well. I also didn’t like that some candles can trigger a headache, allergies, or asthma, so I began to do my own research. I decided to start making my own candles, and God just opened every door I could possibly get into. I began working with the number one master perfumer and his protégé, and I developed a relationship with them.
I don’t use any soy or zinc which are carcinogens. People that have issues with other candles don’t have those issues with mine. You won’t find candles like mine anywhere else.”
How would you encourage others who also see the need to create a product?
“Be sure that you have a relationship with the Lord and that you’re listening. Make sure that you dream so big that whatever happens you know that God’s in it.
I’m overwhelmed by what He’s done with the business. I started out in my home, then went to 300 square feet, then 400, then 800, and now we’re at 3,000 square feet and I just signed another contract for 3500 more. We’re going to have a warehouse and start mass producing.
I’ve been able to help other businesses get their start as well. Within our 3000 square feet, we have seven other small, local businesses with booths inside our space. I’ve got the Texas Bells, Lee-Elmer’s, Huney Bee Heart Gift Shop, Ophelia May, Sister Sister Boutique, Kendalyn’s Custom Creations, and Small Dazzle. I love helping new businesses start out and reach their goals too. They’ve told me that I’m like “the nursery of small business.” Personally, I’ve made mistakes along the way, so I tell these business owners what I’ve learned to help them not make those same mistakes.”

What have been some of the highlights of your time running Fragrance of Heaven?
“My dad always said, ‘If you do what you love, you never work a day in your life.’ This business is a love and passion, so he was right. There are so many good moments. I’ve gotten to be part of creations for weddings. I’ve been part of a proposal which was a lot of fun. One time, I had a mom come in who was really distraught over her daughter. We began to pray about it, and she bought a candle for her daughter. Periodically, she’ll come by and tell me how her daughter is doing. Now her daughter has made a complete turn around. My heart is just to pray with people and that’s probably my favorite thing.”
More than just candles, Fragrance of Heaven is a place where you will receive peace, prayer, and an overall pleasant experience. As they continue to grow, there are some very exciting announcements on the horizon so stay tuned to the Fragrance of Heaven Facebook page! Don’t miss the Towny app: a sure way to stay up-to-date with local Lubbock AND instantly get city-wide perks.